Blinded Retrieval, Inc.: Book 3 by JB Schroeder

⭐⭐⭐ Stars

Book Blurb

The most dangerous threats of all are those you’re blind to…

Charlie Hart and Mitch Saunders’ new case couldn’t come at a worse time. Thomas Weihle continues to torment them both from behind bars and the stress of testifying against him is taking its toll. Things go from bad to worse when District Attorney Gerty Kolacsko’s sister disappears without a trace. With Gerty’s focus divided, they risk the unthinkable—letting that monster go free.

Mitch and Charlie have no choice but to take the case before Retrieval, Inc. is even up and running, and Leah’s perilous situation triggers their worst fears. Someone close to her is trying to kill her. In poor health and completely blindsided, she doesn’t know who to trust or where to hide. Can she get to safety before her body gives out?

Meanwhile, Charlie is hiding a secret that will change everything. This time she can’t run, but she’ll be damned if she’s trapped again—even if Mitch refuses to let her go.

The Retrieval, Inc. series is gritty, edgy, fast-paced, and emotional! Books can be read stand-alone—but you'll want to read the whole series!

Blinded Retrieval, Inc.: Book 3 by JB Schroeder

I received a free copy of this book and my thanks to the team of BookSirens and the author for the copy.

All views expressed in this review are my own and based on my reading of this book. Some of the initial comments were made as I progressed in this book and I have not tried editing them as it expresses my contiguous thoughts as I proceeded with the story.

This is my first book from the author and despite being a part of a series the story blurb had enough to intrigue and beckon me to try it. I can't say that I am disappointed.

Charlie and Mitch our protagonist are awaiting an early conclusion of their part testifying in the case against their longtime nemesis Weihle and get on with their lives. Weihle like most villains has a long reach and is creating trouble for them despite being in custody.

That influence translates into a new case with the trial DA's sister missing and this puts a greater stress on their nerves as well as putting them in a classic catch-22 situation. They don't take the case and solve it they end up weakening the character who is in a pivotal position in the trial and is at the most vulnerable. They take up the case and they pile up pressure on themselves and increase chances of run ins with Weihle's men which they can ill afford but a situation where he goes free is unthinkable.

What I like about this story is that the story has two, for a want of a better word, damaged people at the forefront and their mutual equation drives the story. They have had a history together and they have enough together to plan a personal as well as professional life together with their joint business, Retrieval Inc. They would love to put their shared past in the backburner but somehow the situation never seems to let them go. Charlie's personal angst against Weihle and getting back to him drives an interesting part of the tale.

What rankles is that for a thriller which gets interesting as we proceed the start is sluggish and slow. As a reader you have to overcome the first quarter of the book for the ball to start rolling. The book reads well as a standalone but not having read the earlier books sometimes puts one behind in the jumping to conclusions department.

The book overall is a good read and I will recommend it as a good reading.

The review is also available on amazon



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