Blasphemy - Wyman Ford 2 by Douglas Preston


From the Back Cover

The world's biggest supercollider, locked in an Arizona mountain, was built to reveal the secrets of the very moment of creation: the Big Bang itself.
The Torus is the most expensive machine ever created by humankind, run by the world's most powerful supercomputer. It is the brainchild of Nobel Laureate William North Hazelius. Will the Torus divulge the mysteries of the creation of the universe? Or will it, as some predict, suck the earth into a mini black hole? Or is the Torus a Satanic attempt, as a powerful televangelist decries, to challenge God Almighty on the very throne of Heaven?
Twelve scientists under the leadership of Hazelius are sent to the remote mountain to turn it on, and what they discover must be hidden from the world at all costs. Wyman Ford, ex-monk and CIA operative, is tapped to wrest their secret, a secret that will either destroy the world…or save it.
The countdown begins…

Douglas Preston, the author of this piece his second Wyman Ford novel is more famous as one half of the author duo - Preston & Child who have created the Pendergast series. He has several solo books to his credit including Jennie which has been made into a movie by Disney. The first Pendergast adventure has been reviewed in this blog earlier -

Blasphemy - Wyman Ford 2

The book details a $40 billion collider in the lines of CERN which seems to be interacting with God and therein lies the Blasphemy.

Preston's Wyman Ford novels have always pushed the envelope into uncharted territory trying to explain complicated instances with scientific knowledge and breaking down myths.

The team managing and running the super collider are a talented group of scientists led by a genius. Every time they juice up the collider they start getting messages in the display presumably from God and they keep stopping the experiment to identify and remove this "glitch".

In the outside world a lobbyist whose contract is terminated by his Native American clients (the area of the collider) plots a plan to push things for his renewal by pushing the buttons of a televangelist whose trysts with God has been in some decline and hence is ripe for the plucking. The plot thickens as he is made to believe backed with some good hard cash that the collider is a demonic device created to blaspheme by the anti-Christ.

This push creates a butterfly effect with a small time unknown pastor living in the shadow of the collider becoming fanatical and causing whole scale destruction.

Wyman Ford is sent by the government to understand why results and information are not forthcoming from the collider and the team of scientists.

The book has its worth as a great read although it leaves several threads around to give an unsatisfactory abrupt ending with a new law of God.

Somehow the book has treated the super-collider as the blasphemer and seemingly its destruction renders everything back to a new normal, wholesale destruction of property and wanton deaths of thousands and billions of public money and property gone up in smoke are just fillers.

Still this is a clever bit of storytelling and somehow Preston brings across terrifying imagery while trying to answer a basic question - Is God out there.

A suspenseful intrigue. 

3 stars 


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