Dating App by Stephanie Tyo BookSirens Review Copy

Dating App
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A little more than 3.5 stars

I received the Review Copy of this book and my thanks to the team of BookSirens, the publisher and the author for the copy.

All views expressed in this review are my own and based on my reading of this book. Some of the initial comments were made as I progressed in this book and I have not tried editing them as it expresses my contiguous thoughts as I proceeded with the story.

Stephanie has done a great job here in keeping the pace of this novel fast , while managing to put in some time for the development of the plot and the characters. This is a well written thriller.

I had read Stephanie's earlier book Shattered Minds and understand her style of writing.

The challenge is the over exuberant detailing that stalls the initial story flow while the context is being set. Stephanie writes well enough for a discerning reader to appreciate but may turn off less appreciative readers who lack the patience while she fills the canvas.

The story of a single mother taking to the world of online dating connects with the reader and the pitfalls and fallout involved is well trodden in this story. Obsession and Stalking plays an important part in the story and may make prospective readers uncomfortable. This is a symbol of the current times. There are pitfalls in the book related to pace, timelines, build-up but overall the book lives up to its blurb.

I will definitely try another of Stephanie's books.

⭐⭐⭐ Stars


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