Only The Trees Know by Heather Hansen BookSirens ARC


⭐⭐⭐ Stars


Four went in, one came out.

It was meant to be their last hurrah. Four friends spend their senior Spring Break of high school hiking the Yosemite forest. Alone for one week where they can prove that, despite their cracked relationships, they’re still a team. And maybe recapture some of the magic that brought them together in the first place.

But something went wrong.

One by one they’re murdered, until only one survivor emerges from the forest. He says he’s innocent. The evidence says he’s not.

Now he’s on trial for the deaths of his friends, fighting for his life and freedom. It doesn’t matter that he loved them fiercely, one as a friend, one as an ex, and one that still tangles his soul. The only thing that matters is his final words weren’t “I love you,” they were “I’m sorry.”

Told from past/present perspective, ONLY THE TREES KNOW is a story of untangling friendships: lies, misunderstandings, broken promises, and twisted love.

Only The Trees Know Review

3.5 stars for me

I received the Review Copy of this book and my thanks to the team of BookSirens, the publisher and the author for the copy.

All views expressed in this review are my own and based on my reading of this book. Some of the initial comments were made as I progressed in this book and I have not tried editing them as it expresses my contiguous thoughts as I proceeded with the story.

The blurb was interesting and sounded like a acrid (in a good violent way) version of Dame Christie's And There Were None story.

In the end it is a decent dark story about four friends who were on the opposite spectrum and not the poster child's of morality who go hiking in the forest and most end up dead.

The story brings out the fractured relationships between them overcoming which was the prime reason why they gathered on a week long hike away from everyone's eyes. Heather has ensured that as a reader everyone of the characters she has created in this story are so warped that I absolutely could not root for anyone. Their deaths came to me a satisfaction.

Heather has done a fabulous job of polarizing the reader and made me a fan.

Loved the book and recommend it.

The story is slow in the initial pages and some edits would have polished the book and shortened it into a 5 star read for me.

⭐⭐⭐ Stars


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