Looking for Humboldt by Erika Schelby (Non-fiction)
As a German-American explores the colorful landscape of the American Southwest, its adventure-rich past, and the roles played by Humboldt and a handful of German participants and immigrant soldiers come alive. Early on, Spanish and English methods collide. With exquisite detail and stark honesty, Erika Schelby expertly weaves a story of culture, conflict, and belonging in this beautiful narrative. To gain insight, layers of history are pulled back and scrupulously examined.
Looking for Humboldt is focused on the Southwest but finds the connections to a larger world in good Humboldtian fashion, with brief cameo appearances by persons ranging from Thomas Jefferson, Frederick the Great, and Napoleon to Adalbert von Chamisso, Eugene Debs and Al Sieber, Chief of Scouts during the Apache Wars. Even geopolitical strategists like Mackinder and Mahan present their case.
From ancient events to the present day, from the tectonic plates below to the desert above, Schelby’s rendition of the region’s diverse histories is unlike any other. It also provides a timely contribution to the 100-year anniversary of the 1917 American entry into the First World War.
About the Author
Erika Schelby is a writer with much experience in business. She co-owned and team-built a small design-focused company, worked in management positions in Europe and the U.S., traveled widely, and holds a B. A. (Phi Beta Kappa) and a M.S. degree from American universities. She lives in New Mexico.
Ms. Schelby released BUSINESS FABLES FOR HUMANS WHO WORK FOR a LIVING in October 2022, published the the nonfiction book LOOKING FOR HUMBOLDT, the short-listed essay LIBERATING THE FUTURE, and she was one of 8 winners in the AMERICAN EXPRESS ANNUAL REVIEW OF TRAVEL international essay competition.
I have read BUSINESS FABLES FOR HUMANS as an ARC earlier ( https://sanjibsblogreads.blogspot.com/2022/11/business-fables-adapted-from-aesop-for.html )
I received a free copy of this book and my thanks to the author, Erika Schelby and the team of BookSirens for the copy.
All views expressed in this review are my own and based on my reading of this book. This is a work of non-fiction.
Looking for Humboldt & Searching for German Footprints in New Mexico and Beyond by Erika Schelby (Non-fiction)
An extremely niche history written by Erika. Trying to eke out her own German background and projecting their presence and impact on the culture and history of New Mexico. Having stayed in the area she tries to identify the trail of Humboldt who had travelled the length and breadth of the US and trying to pinpoint his traces in the areas history.
An extremely dreary subject for anyone except who has links to the history and the areas is made colorful and brings to the fore her quirky story telling much apparent in her other book that I have had the pleasure to read. She uses her talents to underscore the friction between the Germans and locals, and marks these differences and fissures in the context of US the country, opening up on local insecurities on the differences in culture and diversity. This itself seems strange considering that US has made its name as a country where diversity is king and has accommodated and still accommodates a variety of cultures.
In this account, Humboldt is the star scientist who researched the South-West of America winning appreciation from many of America's then leading lights. During that time Germans made up less than 0.5 % of New Mexico’s population which means any possible impact has been lost in any official documents about the area. Erika unearths subtle elements of the New Mexico identity that are often glossed over with painstaking detail. We learn about the 22-year- old German bugler, Juan Fioz, from Worms, who must have been the first German to set foot on New Spain and the US.
This is clearly a work of passion.
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Stars for me. Recommended.
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