Bill Willingham's Fables Cinderella #2 - Cinderella: Fables are Forever

This is an adult rendering of the fables in comic(s) and is not for children.

From the Back Cover

Fashionista, socialite,…spy? Hey, if the shoe fits...

She poses as a haughty socialite in glass stilettos by day--and okay, sometimes by night. But Cinderella is actually Fabletown's master spy. Tasked with doing jobs too dirty and deadly for the average Fable, Cindy's faced down dangers from a dozen worlds and lives to tell tales (over cocktails in a hot tub, if you're lucky).

But every secret agent has one annoyingly ruthless archnemesis, and Cindy is no exception. Back in the Big '80s, Cindy encountered her dark mirror, a rogue American Fable, who was in league with the mysterious Shadow Fabletown. Cindy thought she'd destroyed her rival years ago. But when a powerful magician turns up dead and another seeks her help, Cindy's hunt for her old enemy begins anew.

From the frigid back alleys of Russia to the steaming desert, Cindy will follow the clues down the blood-flecked yellow brick road and risk everything she's got--including her secret identity--to solve the crime and finally get revenge on Silver Slipper.

Collecting: Cinderella: Fables Are Forever 1-6 and Fables #51

Cinderella #2 - Cinderella: Fables are Forever

Bill Willingham's Fables are one of the finest takes on fairy tales and their fabled characters and the way the characters have been developed made the series an extremely popular one in the last decade or so. Popular enough to have many offshoots and spin-offs over the years with different characters. 

Bill has churned out many of these spin-offs and this one features one of the more mysterious characters with a character defining career change as a spy ala Bond. This one is a spy tale featuring Cinderella in a hard hitting role, a stark contrast to her demure image in the original fairy tale.

This story is a spin-off different from the canon, the second of two stories featuring Cinderella as a super spy for Fabletown. The stories are stand alone and read separate from the main series or any of the other offshoots. 

The story takes a leaf from Jack's story, the Jack of Fables series, the lovable rogue fable. 

The story focuses on Cinderella and after the reveal of her identity as Fabletown's hidden weapon here we get to see her in full flow. With a mysterious killer plaguing fables and getting the better of Cinderella, the book proves a lot of fun.

The killer leaves a silver slipper keyring near the victim which is a tip to Cinderella, she of the glass slippers as well as her calling card as "Silver Slipper"

Cinderella knew the killer in another life as a mercenary who prides herself as her, C's nemesis and has a history with her and was long thought dead by Cinderella.

The chase takes us to Russia and we finally come face to face with the Silver slipper and in between she has laid a trail of breadcrumbs for C and has put together a plan to meet her and get her revenge.

In between we find out about Silver Slipper's background as a fable, her ambitions and why she never kowtowed to Fabletown rules despite their very wide and easy pardon schemes.     

There is also a tale where Cinderella visits the Giants of Beanstalk fame as an envoy to get help and helps the sitting king cure his ear-ache. 

And some nudity is involved as Cinderella shapeshifts using a magic potion to become a Liliput. Showcases Cinderella in a way the fairy tale never dreamt of. 

The art is great.

Worth the time to read this.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Stars

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