Paper Machete (Emily Ellis Thrillers Book 2) by Amanda Jaeger Review Copy
⭐⭐⭐ ⭐ Stars Book Blurb She's a tool in his deception, sculpting twisted beliefs of life beyond death. Kidnapped by Volga County’s serial killer, Emily “Mills” Ellis finds herself trapped in a luxury building with everything she needs: art supplies, the time to create, and the support of a budding family. Everything, that is, except for food and rest. While her best friend Livvy searches to find her hiding place, Mills battles with her beliefs in art and her purpose within a creative universe. Falling deeper into the faith of artists around her, Mills has to choose to either participate in events to move on to the next realm where artists are revered, or fall back to the realm of reality, where she and the world will never be saved. Paper Machete Book Review I received the Review Copy of this book and my thanks to the team of BookSirens, the publisher and the author for the copy. All views expressed in this review are my own and based on my reading of this book. ...