
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Alibi by Nikki Lee Taylor Review ARC

  ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐ Stars Book Blurb How far would you go to protect what you love? He’s handsome, charming, and the city’s beloved Mayor. He’s also a cheating husband. But is he a killer? When a surfer discovers the gruesome remains of council staffer Lauren Ellis in sand dunes just metres from Lord Mayor Andrew Ashley’s beachside home, rumours of his close relationship with the victim quickly begin to circulate. Andrew’s secret affair with local newspaper reporter Elle Nolan is proof he can be an unfaithful husband – but is he also guilty of murder? As the search for answers continues, Andrew refuses to tell police where he was the night of Lauren’s death. When Andrew reaches out to Elle from police lock-up begging her to provide an alibi for the night in question, she quickly realises that instead of just reporting the story, she’s about to become irrevocably entangled in it. The Alibi Review I received an Advanced Review Copy of this book and my thanks to the team of BookSirens and the author

The Siberian Incident by Greig Beck Review

⭐⭐⭐ .5 Stars Review From the Book Blurb 100,000 years ago the object hit the lake at the deepest point, quickly sinking into its mile-deep stygian darkness. The sheets of ice closed, time moved on, and the land forgot. But over the centuries, legends grew of people vanishing, of strange, deformed animals, and of an unexplained luminescence down in the lake depths. When Marcus Stenson won the lucrative contract to create a sturgeon fish farm on the site of a disused paper mill on the shore of Lake Baikal, he thought he had hit the jackpot. He refused to listen to the chilling folktales, or even be concerned by the occasional harassment from the local mafia. But then animals were found mutilated in the frozen forest, and people started to go missing. And worse, some came back, changed, horribly. In the depths of the lake, something that had been waiting 100,000 years was stirring. And it needed the warmth of mankind to survive. The Siberian Incident Review I became a fan of Greig after