
Showing posts from February, 2023

Season of the Witch by David L Golemon - Event Group Thriller 14

From the Book Blurb The most secret agency inside the American government, Department 5656, otherwise known to a few in power as The Event Group, has finally encountered an entity they have no idea or plan on how to confront. With a past mystery over the strange disappearance of an old friend from its grave occupying the brilliant minds deep inside the underground desert complex, a strike against the very heart of the Group itself is underway. With roots going back to a desert battle in 2006, history has begun to repeat itself. The lives of many men and women of the Group are on the line as a mystical creature more powerful than any they have ever encountered throughout the long history of Department 5656, is determined to rid the world of these cataloguers of the planet’s hidden history through a means of bloody terror most sciences believed was mere legend. Join Colonel Jack Collins and the rest of the Event Group as they face the deadliest challenge in all of human history and fight

The Wife List by J A Schneider

  From the Back Cover - The most thrilling novel of the year. Has a group of men conspired to murder each other's wives - figuring their perfect alibis will save them? That is what Beth Kemp starts to suspect, but is she losing her mind? Her husband says he fears so… I'll give this marriage one more try, Beth Kemp thinks. She is a successful crime writer in New York City, who regrets that tension has crept into her relationship with her husband, Brad. He too is a writer who, after early success, finds his career fading. Brad urges that a move to the country would make them happy again - and safe, especially Beth, to avoid the city's stress that triggers her severe asthma attacks. Beth wavers, until her close friend is murdered and the friend's husband has a perfect alibi. She finally accepts that the city with its surging crime has become too hard for her. The Kemps move to beautiful Sheffield, Connecticut, so perfect it seems too good to be true. It is. When one new fr