Manga Classics: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - Review on NetGalley

An auspicious start as this is the first book that I am reviewing on NetGalley after procrastinating for nearly a month. A 178 year old blockbuster Alexander Dumas classic full length novel converted to manga format seemed incredible and when I saw this available here in NetGalley, I just had to have a peek. Not just a peek, have had a full read and am thankful to NetGalley for making this book available for review. The Count of Monte Cristo has been one of my favorite classics and I have had the privilege of reading it in many formats, the classic novel, short condensed edition, comics, illustrated editions, meant for adults, teens and schools. Even then I was not very confident that the book would come out well as a manga. The book was quite a revelation with crisp artwork and well edited to include all major key points of the book. An elaborate revenge drama, the story at many levels is a bit dated but nothing can jade the elaborate set pieces and the way the story ...